
DIY Bookkeeping Dangers

“My wife does my books.” He was proud of that. Until they started having problems with the taxes. They had a large invoice that had been left out of last year’s taxes, which they had already filed. They were desperate and needed someone who could help them out of the hole. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the […]

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How will the proposed bank reporting rules affect your business?

If you have been watching the news recently, you have probably seen that the President has set in motion a plan to track bank accounts for transactions over 600 dollars. This isn’t good news for your privacy. And it introduces a lot of potential for errors and increases your risk. Increased Difficulty for Bookkeeping If […]

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How Does Inflation Affect Your Business?

If you have watched the news at all in the past couple months you’ve probably heard that inflation is increasing. But what is Inflation? And how does inflation affect your business? The news media will spin inflation to mean different things depending on their political affiliation. Put simply, inflation is the rise of prices across […]

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What Does a Bookkeeper Do?

As a business owner, you’ve probably wondered what a bookkeeper even does. Do they sit behind a desk, wearing a three piece suit, organizing their desks and obsessively sharpening their pencils until someone brings them a receipt? And with the rise of digital bookkeeping software, what’s the point of having a bookkeeper? What does a […]

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How Do I Set Business Financial Goals?

Owning your own business is like a dream come true. You’re your own boss. You’re in charge of your success or failure. Whatever the future brings, it’s yours and not someone else’s. But when it comes to setting goals and planning your future, that’s also on you know. And that can be a little intimidating. […]

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